Taiwan Design Expo in Kaohsiung

Event information

  • Project:Kaohsiung City Government Youth Bureau
  • Date: October 7th to 23rd, 2022
  • Place:Warehouse 5 76, Design Island in Kaohsiung′s Penglai Commercial Port District


Every city has the diverse presence of youth, spanning generations, ethnicities, genders, and more. They navigate their own paths of development, hidden among the streets and alleys, accumulating various stories for themselves and their cities. The 2022 Taiwan Design Exhibition, featuring "Eternal Youth" and "Youthful Moments," brings together 35 creative representatives and industrial designers from Taiwan, Japan, and Korea. Using filters and kaleidoscopes as exhibits, they respond to the ever-changing generations of short videos and trending dynamic content. Additionally, 50 emerging creators who have made a mark in the Kaohsiung cultural and creative awards, along with local high school design students, are invited to unleash their design spirits and express the diverse forms of youth injected into design across generations.

Activity Points

  • Gathering hundreds of young designers, creative teams, and chamber of commerce representatives, the event facilitates interdisciplinary exchanges. From everyday life to urban development, they aim to create value through design and collectively cultivate a creative culture for the new generation.
  • Collaborating with emerging designer Li Juncy, we are breaking traditions by incorporating design into traditional wedding culture. We are excited to introduce a limited-edition commemorative item - the Wedding Registry Book Gift Box.
  • The ′Youth in Motion′ event specially invited Yang Shiqing, the main visual designer for the 32nd and 33rd Golden Melody Awards, to design.